The world is WiW’s field of work. Focused on global themes such as sustainable development, (gender)inequality, climate, migration, human rights, fair trade, international cooperation. 

The stories need to be told. This is our specialty. 

We research, we evaluate, and we capture stories about the results of projects and programmes. 

  • "The evaluation is very readable, much better than what is standard. The working method - using journalistic tools - has contributed greatly to this. I am very satisfied with the final result and its presentation."

    Alexander Kohnstamm, CEO Fair Wear Foundation

  • “The report gives an excellent insight in the achieved results, how change happened and what the program's contribution was”.

    Erik Boonstoppel, Project Leader Strategic Partnership Dialogue & Dissent Project, Oxfam Novib

  • "The people from WiW worked with us in good cooperation and with great creativity and commitment to produce our annual magazines. We gave them this job with an easy mind because the end result was always a beautiful magazine with which we could present ourselves at our best."

    Marjan Brunner, Communication, Lobby & Campaigns, Mondiaal FNV